Monday, November 4, 2019


MULTICULTURAL BUSSINESS MANAGEMENT & Global leadership - Essay Example ome decided to outource jut certain part of their organization. The telecommunication indutry wa advancing, but Global Communication wa being left behind. I have created thi analyi to how the problem and potential olution Global Communication ha dealt with along with the ethical dilemma faced by the takeholder and the end tate viion of the company. My paper will include the comprehenive gap analyi for Global Communication; what i going with them at thi point in time and where the company i trying to be, regaining the reputation of being one of the larget, progreing global tool throughout the telecommunication indutry. Global Communication uffer from the tre of the indutrie and trying to maintain competition while oberving their tock price falling. The tockholder are preuring Global Communication to correct the problem, along with coming up with new innovative way to keep the conumer wanting to do buine with Global Communication. Thi analyi i deigned to how optional olution to Global Communication preent tribulation, rik management for the uggete d alternative olution, the optimal olution and finally the implementation plan to deal with the problem. ituation Analyi Iue and Opportunity Identification everal iue are acknowledged for Global Communication throughout the ituation. ... Competition i one of the reaon why Global Communication tock ha falling o dratically. Another iue Global Communication faced i the uproar of the employee and union worker becaue of the layoff that are planned. Global Communication leaderhip team came up with thi ingeniou plan to of moving ome of the technical call center to India and Ireland which hould reduce unit cot for handling call by nearly 40%. Although the move will ave Global Communication money, they did not think about the ending cot in human capital. In addition to the other iue provided, Global Communication i having communication problem within. Global Communication i an organization that i conidered one of the bet for taking care of the employee need to make ure they at leat addre all the iue. "By improving deciion making, knowledge management, employee need and coordination; company can progre and retain the name in the communication indutry. Workplace communication ha a ignificant effect on organizational performance (Mchane & Glinow, 205). "Firt organization depend on the ability of people to coordinate their individual work effort toward a common goal (Mchane & Glinow, 25). Global Communication i faced with economic iue in which the leaderhip team i trying to apply trategic planning to retructure the company and make it properou again. Although they have trategically planned a olution, the leaderhip team i having difficultie conveying the new plan to the employee. Local, long ditance and international market are all competing for the ame buine. New calling feature and uite of local and long ditance ervice helped, but the indutry uffered a huge blow at the hand of the cable companie, who tepped in to provide complete olution

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